Here at the First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, there are plenty of leadership opportunities and committees you can get involved with. Below, you will find our committees with a brief description of what they do, as well as who is currently involved. If you have questions about joining a committee, please contact the church office using the contact information at the bottom of the page.
Elders |
Deacons |
There are nine ruling elders divided into three classes that oversee the church. Each Fall, our Nominating Committee asks three congregational members to fulfill a three-year term as a ruling elder. The congregation then elects these nominations at the Annual Congregational Meeting at the end of October. Each ruling elder is appointed as a liaison for a church committee, and they are required to share committee updates at our monthly Session meeting.
Our Current Ruling Elders (2024) Linda Albright Bryce Creager Heidi Ryon Mindy Creager Matt Lawler Curt Swarm Carol Chesnutt Bob Mueller Erica Redgate |
Much like the church' elders, Deacons are elected congregational members that serve three year terms. The Deacons act as a liaison between the church and it's congregation and community. Responsibilities include assisting with Communion and visiting our shut-ins, offering grief booklets and assistance for those who recently lost a loved one, coordinating donation drives, and coordinating benevolent giving to local charities and agencies.
Our Current Deacons (2024) Tim Olson, Moderator Chris Van De Berg Grace Van De Berg Marilyn Vincent Barb Welander, Vice Moderator Terri Gordy, Treasurer Nancy Tometich |
Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee is elected by the congregation at the Annual Congregational Meeting in October. It includes two Elders appointed by Session and three Members-At-Large. The committee is in charge of finding candidates to fulfill certain roles in the church, such as Elders, Deacons, Memorial, Auditor, and Financial Secretary. The selected nominations are then approved by the congregation at the annual meeting.
Nominating Committee for 2024 Linda Albright, Elder Lynn Ellsworth Barb Miller Lois Roth Rev. Trey Hegar |
Memorial Committee The Memorial Committee is selected by the Nominating Committee and elected by the Congregation. Its purpose is to provide church members and friends an opportunity to give a gift in honor or in memory that will become a permanent memorial of financial support. The committee is in charge of updating and maintaining the Memorial Tree, as well as helping fund various church projects such as the outdoor Christmas lights, the update of the commercial kitchen, and youth Bibles.
Memorial Committee for 2024 Erica Redgate Kathy Schimmelpfennig Martha Wiley Kathie McWhirter |
Buildings & Grounds Committee |
Christian Education Committee |
The Building & Grounds Committee is in charge of maintaining the church and its grounds. Responsibilities include building repairs and maintenance, coordinating the summer watering of plants, and spring/fall yard clean up. The committee is open to all who wish to join and meets on a quarterly basis or as needed.
Building & Grounds Committee (2024) Bryce Creager, Co-Chair & Elder Liaison Chuck Albright, Co-Chair & Secretary Jeff Epperson Dan Shull Allen Dorothy Dan Heater Betty Lowe (beautification) Ken & Patty Madden Al Memler Kent Thomson Mike Vincent Rev. Trey Hegar |
The Christian Education Committee's goal is to lead children/youth to an integration of faith in God and life through Bible study, discipleship, relationships, and community in line with the reformed tradition. The committee oversees all K-12th grade programs, such as Vacation Bible School, Sunday's Children's Moment, Re:Creation, and Press On. The committee is open to all who wish to join and meets on a monthly basis or as needed.
Christian Education Committee (2024) Erica Redgate, Chair & Elder Liaison Rev. Sarah Hegar, Director of Congregational Ministries Pat Heusmann, Secretary Tom Ellsworth Kathy Schimmelpfennig Sara Kremer Martha Wiley Meredith Lee Robyn Willham Patty Madden Valerie Willham Bonnie Kremer Lois Betz Rev. Trey Hegar |
Mission Committee |
Parish Life Committee |
The Mission Committee creates opportunities and encourage members and friends of the church to share God’s love and shine God’s light through projects, offerings, special events, and missions. Responsibilities include encouraging/supporting financial support for local/global missions, special mission projects/trips, and outreach efforts. The committee is open to all who wish to join and meets on a quarterly basis or as needed.
Mission Committee (2024) Bob Mueller, Elder Liaison & Chair Sally Olson, Treasurer Tim Olson, Secretary Amy Clark Barb Miller Tim & Karen Conrad Ted Wiley Rev. Sarah Hegar Rev. Trey Hegar |
The Parish Life Committee and Programming & Events Committee were combined to create one committee to promote fellowship and learning among the church members, friends, and community. The committee's goals are to build, nurture, and strengthen relationships of members and friends of the church by planning/coordinating for Fellowship Time, gatherings, outings, classes, meals, and other events that promote a sense of belonging and connection for all. The committee is open to all who wish to join and meets on a quarterly basis or as needed.
Parish Life Committee (2024) Curt Swarm, Elder Liaison & Co-Chair Susan Farnsworth, Co-Chair Rev. Sarah Hegar, Director of Congregational Ministries Charlene Hinrichs Janet Cermak Paula Hoenig Tara Beauchamp Patty Madden Heidi Ryon Steve Readinger Jeff Willham Mike Vincent Robyn Willham Kathy Wiley Barb Miller Rev. Trey Hegar |
Personnel Committee |
Worship Committee |
The Personnel Committee supports the staff of First Presbyterian Church by promoting a positive work environment and enabling employees to carry out the mission of the church. This includes updating and maintaining staffing policies and procedures as seen fit, conducting annual staff evaluations, coordinating staff salaries with Session, and coordinating hiring/termination of staff when needed. The committee is open to all who wish to join and meets as needed (most meetings occur in the Fall/end of year).
Personnel Committee (2024) Matt Lawler, Elder Chair Brian Sinclair, Financial Representative Steve Readinger Tammy Shull Rev. Trey Hegar |
The Worship Committee works with the pastor to develop and coordinate meaningful, functional, yet visionary worship services, both Sunday services and special services such as Lent, Advent, and Christmas. Responsibilities include recruiting/training greeters, liturgists, communion preparers and servers, and special service participants; coordinating the Advent decorations (Hanging of the Greens/Taking Down of the Greens), coordinating the changing of the banner, and coordinating with the music department for services. The committee is open to all who wish to join and meets on a quarterly basis or as needed.
Worship Committee (2024) Linda Albright, Elder Liaison Lois Roth, Chair Rev. Sarah Hegar, Director of Congregational Ministries Erin Stensvaag, Secretary Lynn Ellsworth Karen Kauffman Pat Richenberger Marilyn Vincent Adam Creager & Ming Vierra, Ex-Off. Rev. Trey Hegar |
Stewardship Committee |
Endowment Committee |
The Stewardship Committee develops and supports good stewardship of the Congregation’s financial, time, and talent resources, and facilitates the administration of those resources as directed by the Session. The committee consists of an appointed Ruling Elder, Treasurers of the Memorial, Endowment, Deacon, and Church, the Financial Secretary, and the church Bookkeeper. It's main responsibilities include planning and maintaining the budget and coordinating yearly pledge campaigning.
Stewardship Committee (2024) Carol Chesnutt, Elder & Chair Marvin Bricker, Church Treasurer Mariah Giberson, Bookkeeper Ginnie Swarm, Financial Secretary Bob Breazeale, Endowment Treasurer Deacons Treasurer (TBD) |
The Endowment Committee has oversight and management of the Endowment Fund for the church. The committee consists of four at-large members and one Elder who can serve up to four years at a time. The committee is selected by the Nominating Committee and approved by Session.
Endowment Committee (2024) Ed Chabal, Chair Bob Breazeale, Treasurer Jeff Willham Kathy Nellor Carl Frank Bob Miller Rev. Trey Hegar |