Looking to Volunteer with the church?
There are plenty of ways to volunteer and get involved with the church. In addition to volunteering for special events, such as our Annual Spaghetti Supper, Give Back Day, and PW Rummage & Bake Sale, there are volunteer opportunities that happen on a regular occurrence. Read below for more information on some of the volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in any of the volunteer opportunities, you can always fill out our Time & Talent survey and send it into the church office at [email protected]. For more information or questions regarding volunteering, please contact us.
ALERT MailingsEach month, the First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa mails out a newsletter to its members, friends, and those on the mailing list. The ALERT newsletter typically includes an article from Pastor Trey Hegar, announcements for upcoming events, updates from IowaWINS, and other church information like birthdays and anniversaries. Since the newsletter is such a big project, helping hands for the assembling process is always welcome. If you would like to help with the ALERT, please contact the office.
Meals by NutrimosMeals by Nutrimos is a meal ministry that cooks and sells delicious, sizeable entrees to provide for the IowaWINs food pantry. The meal ministry also provides a 10% tithe to the ministries of the First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. With the growing meal ministry, Meals by Nutrimos is always looking for volunteers to help: whether that be food prep, cooking, kitchen clean up, or selling. If you are interested in volunteering with Meals by Nutrimos, please contact the church office or go to their website.
Re:Creation & Press OnOur Wednesday children's ministry, Re:Creation, and our youth ministry, Press On, are always looking for volunteers who love youth and children to help with the programs. From providing snacks/meals or helping with the activities, volunteering with Re:Creation and/or Press On is a great way to get involved with the church. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please contact the church office.
Buildings & GroundsIt takes a lot to maintain a building, and the First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa is no exception. In addition to serving on the Buildings & Grounds Committee, you can volunteer by helping water plants in the summer, participate in the Fall/Spring yard clean up, or help take care of the flowers/landscaping. If you are interested in helping out with any of these projects or getting involved, please contact the church office.
Spaghetti SupperEach year on the Wednesday evening before the Midwest Old Thresher's Reunion (the weekend before Labor Day), the First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa hosts our Annual Spaghetti Supper. With typically around 700 dinners prepared and sold, this event requires a lot of volunteer help. If you are interested in volunteering for the Spaghetti Supper, please contact the church office. More information may be posted closer to the date.
Give Back DayGive Back Day is an annual event put together by the church's Mission Committee. Instead of a full Sunday Worship Service, members of the congregation are sent out into the community to do pre-determined jobs, such as raking leaves, cleaning gutters, preparing tie-blankets, and other various jobs. Give Back Day typically takes place in the fall, and more information will be provided closer to the day. If you are interested in volunteering for Give Back Day or have any questions, please contact the church office.