So I did a little experiment. I recorded myself scrolling through my Facebook page to see how long it would take before I found some type of hot button topic that could send even the mildest mannered, gentle soul into a tizzy. (I am not saying I am that person.) It didn’t take long. We are surrounded by negativity.
You can’t go five minutes on any public forum, news channel, radio station or social network without finding someone or something to raise your blood pressure. It is especially difficult now when we live in a time where it seems every hero and role model has fallen from grace. For some of you, it may have started with presidents like Richard Nixon. His Watergate scandal shook the foundations of trust for our country. For others, it may have solidified around Bill Clinton and all the word salads he used dancing around accountability with lawyer speak. Well it just keeps getting worse. Now there is this ever growing roll call of celebrity men brought to public justice by the #me too movement. The list of the fallen is astonishing: news anchors, politicians, business leaders, and more. Bill Cosby is grotesque. Garrison Keilor, one of my favorite story tellers, is guilty. It seems we don’t have anyone to trust or follow. We don’t know whose opinion to believe or what facts are real. Scientists have to protest, teachers have different beliefs about what to teach, moral leaders lead amoral lives, yet still produce what some consider good fruits. With few leaders to follow, we are still called to be light in the darkness. We are to live peaceably with all as much as it is up to us. Where in the world can we get direction? To whom can we turn? To sound cliche it may be that these things are truly impossible for us. Jesus said in Mark 10, “What is impossible for humanity is made possible with God.” As much as I know about the world and the people in it, I still believe Jesus is one who shows us the Way, the Truth and the Life. Who else can we listen to? Who else should we follow? In this day and age Jesus is my hero. May we all grow to be more like him. Rev. Trey Hegar
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